Thursday, July 2, 2009

Starting the month right.

I've got the chance to meet a colleague back in Davao. She gave me an idea on blogging and its perks. I've heard and read articles about blogging and at the same time earning simply through posting your thoughts on the web. I've been blogging before but that was when internet was within my reach and just for fun having my thoughts expressed. I am not a good writer, a pencil-pusher on public speaking and an adamant person. But this friend of mine, through her humble character have earned "something" through blogging. I realized, with the increasing demand of my life I have to push my limits and scour my potentials in anything that I am good of. ( I don't consider myself as Jack of all trades, master of none.) Well, for the better common good. With what I have now, the resources I need for blogging is within my reach. Then I think I have to take advantage of it. Thank you cmobn. I hope I will start this month of June right and equally fun for me and to the one who will benefit with its blessings.

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