Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8th-month old Alexa

My mother text me yesterday surprising me a news about Alexa. She told me that, it was the first time they seen Alexa playing with her poop with both hands. And she seemed enjoying playing with it, smiling with her grandpa with her arms wide open while poop on her little hands. Of course, grandma and her nanny erratically got Alexa in her crib and went directly to the comfort room. I was delighted by mom's news and I think Alexa is growing up. It was her 8th month birthday yesterday. I'm a little bit sad that I wasn't there to see how she had grown up. I think most babies experienced this kind of thing - playing with their poop and sometimes attempt to eat them. I remember back then when I was still on my pre-school, my baby brother played his poop, too and I screamed on top of my lungs calling mom. I was nervous that time because I was afraid that my brother might eat his poop and got poisoned.

Today, mom text me again that Alexa was found playing with "siling labuyo" (red, hot pepper)on her hands. The siling labuyo were pounded by her cute, tiny hands and she seemed unaffected with the hot sensation caused by the pepper. Again, the people in the house panicked when they saw Alexa. I think that's cute to see her like that. I miss her more.

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