Sunday, July 18, 2010

Home Sweet Home

"There's no place like home." True enough, I had a good night sleep with my girls. And hopefully I can recover all the sleepless nights while I was away with them. I am still wondering how my life would be, now that I am near to them while at work. I really wish that I could take care of them hands on so that they will be near to me. My eldest didn't hug nor recognized me when she saw me arriving. How could that be? I hope someday, she will recognized me as her mom. I miss my girls so much.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have been sleeping late at night for several weeks. My face is like a mugshot with drooping eyebags. It's because I have been on overtime for MTO's. I need t0 finished it in advance ( it's a birthday souvenir on September) because my client have paid alo in advance.  I really like this kind of business transactions. Once they ordered, paid half and presto, the production will start!

Thank you for the orders, Ms Amy Jaquilmac. Hope you like them.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Orders are coming

I have been so busy since last week. I got orders from as far as Bukidnon. Whew! I showed her a sample and she likes it so much that she could not wait to have them for her son's 3rd birthday on September. I am so lucky that I got orders as early as this since I will be away from business for 3 months starting August.

Here's the sample of her orders.