Friday, June 25, 2010

When Tragedy Strikes Back

It has been a while since I post a blog. In fact, I don't even know how to write now, not even a paragraph. My mind is full of many things that I want to do them all at once. But I am just human and I know I need to do it one step at a time.

Tragedy happens. Anywhere. Everywhere. It so sad that it happened to my family. My uncle ( tatay's brother) died with tuberculosis. Yes, there is a medicine for that illness and even a free therapy from the government. Problem is, he is always negative in his sputum tests and no other way to get the medicines free but to buy. My tito is poor, his family, his living and even cannot afford to buy medicines. He was hospitalized for more than a week and our family took care of him. Until he needs to be transfered to their "home" because I am afraid my babies will get affected by his illness. I pity him. His children should be the one taking care of him and not my family. Then he finally laid to rest, 07 June. He died poorlessly.

A day before my uncle died, my Aunt ( nanay's sister) died also. Like my uncle, she died poor. Without a family of her own, no children, and no money. But I am sure she is very wealthy of love and spiritually. She died of her goiter complications. She has an untreated goiter and got complicated to her lungs.

My parents, upon knowing the deaths of their sister and brother, cannot even move to extend help because they do not have fare. How poor we are! Without any reservations, I sent the money which I have been saving for my babies' needs. "Bahala na." God will provide what I need, as long as I can extend help to them.

I managed to attend their burials. After the interment, I was really sick with Pneumonia again. I am into steroids just to get relief from severe cough and Urticaria. As I am writing this blog, my muscles are still shaking inside, and coughing. I need to work hard and earn for the loses. I know money is just around the corner if you look for it. I do not know when this tragedy be over. But I am hoping and I have faith that soon it will be over.